Before starting, insure that your Systems Administrator has CONFIGURED your
privileges to allow you all of the features you will need from the PEOPLE
There are FOUR access points to PEOPLE.
Creating a NEW Person in KeyNET
Searching for a Person in KeyNET
Listing of most recent PEOPLE
Creating a NEW Person in KeyNET:
Start by filling in the appropriate information for your new person.
This is accomplished from this screen. If you have subscribed to the
KeyNET eKeyRequest the customer will fill in this information for you, and you
will not need to CREATE the person, it is performed as part of the Request and
Authorization Process.
Last Name, First Name, email address, ID and Department are considered
CRITICAL Information, and must be entered accurately in order for the program to
operate properly.
If you are authorized and equipped to take and update Photo ID and PIN
numbers, you may do that from this screen. Depending on your privileges,
as set by your Systems Administrator, you may not have all of these fields
available to you.
If the person you are adding will be granted privileges to KeyNET, be sure
and check the box that reads
so that the
password you are assigning will be sent to the USER. The user may then
change the password to something of their choosing.
Adding a NICKNAME:
A new field has been added to the personnel database: NICKNAME. This field
allows a nickname to be specified for any desired user. This nickname can be any
word, name, or number, but must be unique in a zone. THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE
to "workers" - people who, for example, might be assigned as members of projects
or workers on tasks... people who are considered "work staff."
Zone administrators can determine how to implement nicknames, and on what scope.
For example, if my nickname were "GB", you would not need to type my RSN (14399)
or email (glen@amsl.com) to specify me - you could just type "gb" and the system
would look me up and add me to the task/membership/whatever. Nicknames can be
specified whenever a person identity is called for, and the field definitions
have been updated to indicate this. Only people with personnel access can set
nicknames, users may not set or change their own nicknames.
Nicknames are an optional convenience, but should make the dispatch of people
onto channel requests and tasks much easier. Using first names, initials, unit
numbers, or other IDs that are easily remembered and/or worked-with will make
things flow much more smoothly.
Using the Exit Date
1. Having an exit date set in a person's record will automatically set that
person's account to INACTIVE on that date (or after that date, if a past date
was entered.)
2. Setting an inactive person to active, after they have been set to inactive,
will automatically remove/delete any exit date for that person which was in the
past (because that would just deactivate them again, but exit dates in the
future are preserved).
3. Keys held by inactive users will be automatically included on the delinquent
keys report.
Searching for a Person in KeyNET:
Start by clicking on the SEARCH link in the left hand column of the page,
under PEOPLE. If you do not see this link...contact your Systems
Searches are performed in a number of
Drop Down Menus allow you to further
refine your search.
Last Name - type the first few characters of the last name you are
seeking in the box labeled Last Name. The more you type the closer the
results will be. This is sufficient to list all of the Last Names
starting with your entered criteria.
First Name - type the first few characters of the first name you are
seeking in the box labeled First Name. The more you type the closer the
results will be. This is sufficient to list all of the First Names
starting with your entered criteria.
Department - type the first few characters of the Department name you
are seeking in the box labeled Department. The more you type the closer
the results will be. This is sufficient to list all of the
Departments starting with your entered criteria.
The procedure above will work for any
field you choose to search. Partial entries are OK and the program
will adjust for CASE SENSITIVE entries. So, don't worry about
entering the exact information.
Click on the
button near the bottom of
the page...your search results will appear.
Select the item of your choice, from the list provided, by clicking on it.
That choice will be displayed for your action.
Allows each user to individually determine the items to be displayed in their
workspace, and in which order. The systems manager has the capability of
setting a default setup; but, it can then be modified by each individuals.
Listing of most recent PEOPLE accessed:
PEOPLE module:
The systems manage must allow you
privileges to add, edit or otherwise change information pertaining to an
individuals record.
Start by clicking on the SEARCH link
in the left-hand column of your work space, under People. This will bring
up a list of searchable fields.
You may search by any or all of the
fields in on the SEARCH page. The most common way is to start with a LAST
Start by entering information into
any of the fields. Most fields are partial entry fields...meaning that you
do not have to enter all of the information in a field. Of course, the
more information you enter the closer the results will be.
Click on the
button at the bottom of the screen and the
associated information will be displayed.
Single click on the record you want
from the list, and the program will take you to the individual record.
Change the information in the field,
or fields as you desire, and click on the
button at the bottom of the page.
HINT: If you
are using Internet Explorer as you browser, by clicking the [Enter] button on
your keyboard, you will activate a SEARCH or SAVE your information to the
displayed record.
Sending a User their password.
Administrators may send a user their password in a number of ways.
Send the
existing password by simply clicking on the
link in the top menu bar of the individuals record. The user will be sent
their password via email.
The Systems
Administrator may set a new password by typing in the new password in the
section of the individuals record and
following the step above, and click on the
button at the bottom of
the page .
with login privileges, may change their own password by following step b.
Accessing Key Issue
Individuals who
have Key Issue privileges will see a link in the top menu bar of each persons
individual record, which looks like this.... .
Single click on the link and the program will display the current KEY ISSUE
RECORD for individual selected.
who have Key Issue privileges will see a link in the top menu bar of each
persons individual record, which looks like this.... .
Single click on the link and the program will display the KEY ISSUE HISTORY for
individual selected.
This feature is available to all
KeyNET customers. A checkbox in the KeyNET Configuration screen will allow
customers to enable or disable this feature on a per-zone basis. No additional
licensing is required.
All KeyNET systems will maintain a
flag for all customers. This flag will be set whenever an existing user's
department is changed, either by manual change or through a file import utility. These user flags are hidden,
and will not show up in the personnel record, and cannot be cleared by another
department change. These flags will be set for all records where the
department changes, whether the alert feature is enabled or not.
When the alert feature is enabled,
key issue operators will be alerted whenever the key issue screen is accessed
for a person whose flag is set. A yellow alert message will appear
across the top of the key issue screen, warning the operator that the person's
department has changed, and telling them to check
the issued keys for that person. A "CLEAR" link will appear in the box.
Clicking the link will clear the alert. This is the only way an operator can
clear the alert for a given person.
No additional action will be taken by
the system on a department change, other than to display the alert to key issue
operators when they access a flagged record. This alert will enable the key
issue operator to take whatever action is needed when the alert is displayed,
and choose to clear the alert or leave it active.