When processing eKeyRequests, the method varies somewhat based on the setup
of KeyNET. For an eKeyRequest to be processed correctly, the following things
must be true for a key to be issued correctly; specifically:
* The blindcode must be in the databsae
* The appropriate core location must be assigned to the blindcode
* A hook at at least one key issue
point must be defined for that
Without the above things, the process of issuing a key really cannot occur.
In addition, for a specific request/issuance to happen:
* A key must be available on the hook
* The person to receive the key must be in the personnel database.
Consider a standard KeyNET system without eKeyRequest. What happens?
1. A person comes to Key Issue to get a key.
2. The operator starts in the
person's personnel record. If no such record
exists, the operator creates one.
3. The operator goes to the key issue screen from the personnel record.
4. The operator looks up the location to find a key
5. The operator verifies authorization to issue the key from a paper form
6. The operator selects a physical key issue sequence to be issued
7. The operator issues the key to the
human, whereupon the key is attached
to that person's personnel record.
Look closely at step 2. If a personnel record already exists, it is chosen by
the operator. If no such record exists, the operator creates one.
In "slaved" situations, where KeyNET receives personnel data from another
system via a transfer utility, this procedure is essentially the same. Whether
the operator creates a record in the absence of one or not is really a policy
decision made by the customer.
Now consider an eKeyRequest. Although subsets of functionality can be
used, in a fully-functional environment, here are some common scenarios:
eKeyRequests CREATED
In this scenario, a person with access to KeyNET, who is a member of the
channel "init" group, such as a department secretary or building manager,
requests the key on behalf of the employee.
1. The trusted human creates the request. The request contains:
* Field 0008, person, specifying the
actual person in the
database to receive the key, as a
* Field 0033, the building,
field 0007, the room, and
field 0034, the department, for the
key (if you are using building authorizations this field can be omitted).
2. If the recipient is not in the
personnel database of KeyNET, the request cannot be created, and the trusted
human can optionally add a new personnel record for the recipient to the system,
depending on policy.
3. The request traverses the channel,
finally notifying the trusted human
that their request has been approved.
The trusted human sends
the recipient to key issue (or they
can be notified via email if this feature is configured).
4. The person comes to Key Issue to
get the key.
5. As the person has no paperwork,
the key issue operator looks for an
approved eKeyRequest. The operator
clicks the -completion- action
which links right in to that person's
key issue screen.
6. The operator selects a physical
key issue sequence to be issued
7. The operator issues the key to the
human, whereupon the key is attached
to that person's personnel record.
In a "slaved" situation, this procedure is essentially the same, except that
the recipient should already be in the KeyNET database. That information
being imported and updated from imported tables from other databases.
In this scenario, a person who wants a key just shows up at Key Issue with no
1. The person shows up at Key Issue to get a key.
2. As the person has no paperwork,
the key issue operator looks for an
approved eKeyRequest. Finding none,
the person pulls up the
person's personnel record. If no such
exists, the operator creates one.
3. The operator goes to the key issue
screen from the personnel record.
4. The operator looks up the location
to find a key
5. Since it is already known that no
authorization exists, the key issue
operator clicks the link to initiate
the eKeyRequest. Any additional
information is added to the request
as desired.
6. The request traverses the channel,
finally notifying the initiating operator
that their request has been approved.
The initiating operator calls
the recipient back to key issue.
7. The person comes to Key Issue to
get the key.
8. As the person still has no
paperwork, the key issue operator looks for an
approved eKeyRequest. The operator
clicks the -completion- action
which links right in to that person's
key issue screen.
9. The operator selects a physical
key issue sequence to be issued 10. The operator issues the key to the human,
whereupon the key is attached
to that person's personnel record.
As before, in a "slaved" situation, this procedure is essentially the same,
except that the recipient should already be in the KeyNET database.
Now that we've described the trusted methods, here's how the system deals
with an UNTRUSTED method. This is any scenario in which a NON-KeyNET USER
initiates a request. Remember: If they ARE a KeyNET user, they are already in
the KeyNET personnel database, and should log in to create their request.
If they are NOT a KeyNET user, they can only initiate requests through a
trusted human (above scenarios) or via an untrusted web form. Here's how
that would work:
1. The web form is used to submit the
request. The form might contain:
* Field 0033, the building,
* field 0007, the room, and
* field 0034, the department, for the
* Plain text fields (0064-) to accept
the user's first and last name, EID, SSN, etc.
* Field 0005, the email field, to
accept the submitter's email address.
The form CANNOT contain:
* Field 0008, person, specifying the actual person in the database to receive
the key because at this stage the person may or may not be in the KeyNET
database, but their identity cannot be positively confirmed (since the form is
coming from the outside world.) But the CHANNEL -WILL- use this field, as an
INTERNAL field, for follow-up processing.
2. The form is submitted, and goes to
the first stop, some type of trusted human or humans who is/are KeyNET user(s).
3. The trusted human locates the
person's EID in the submitted form, and
attempts to SAVE it into the internal
Field 0008 field. If
successful, the EID was valid, the
person's name is displayed next
to it, and can be compared to the
submitted data. If NOT
successful, the person does not exist
in the KeyNET database. The
operator can either add the record,
or reject the request,
depending on policy.
4. The request traverses the channel,
finally notifying the submitted email
address that their request has been
5. The person comes to Key Issue to
get the key.
6. As the person has no paperwork,
the key issue operator looks for an approved eKeyRequest. The operator clicks
the -completion- action which links right in to that person's key issue screen.
7. The operator selects a physical
key issue sequence to be issued
8. The operator issues the key to the
human, whereupon the key is attached
to that person's personnel record.
Again, in a "slaved" situation, this procedure is essentially the same,
except that the recipient should already be in the KeyNET database.
Be sure and read the section on
Web Form if you
are using the UNTRUSTED method of eKeyRequests.
Note that the presence of the record in the KeyNET personnel database does
imply a certain level of legitimacy to the request. It doesn't cause automatic
approval, but it does prevent arbitrary rejection. Therefore, the automatic
addition of records from an untrusted source is even MORE inadvisable than
common sense itself should dictate.