Other aspects of the LOCKSHOP module are listed and linked
in the left hand column.
eKeyOrders are designed to work with Multiple Key Issue
Points (MKI). It allows remote Issue Locations to order and maintain a
stock of keys. You can even route the eKeyOrder request through your
BILLING department for approval and encumbering of funds. eKeyOrder will
work very well, even without MKI sites, when the Lockshop and Key Issue
functions are separate.
For a person to initiate an eKeyOrder, they must be in
the access group defined the the REQUEST INITIATION section of the pathway
configuration. If the pathway is set to allow from "(all users)", then any user
of the system can initiate a request.
For a person to see existing eKeyOrders, they must
either be a system administrator, or they must be a member of at least one stop
along the channel pathway (you must set each person as a "member"). The module restricts what they can see and do based
on what stop(s) they belong to and how each stop is configured.
This portion of the MANUAL is still Under Construction...if you have this
feature, please refer to the documents provided to you by your instructor at the
time of training or your training video.
If you need copies, contact Spectrum Group at
support@sg1.us or 877-560-2457
Before starting, insure that your Systems Administrator has licensed and CONFIGURED your
privileges to allow you all of the features you will need from the eSignature
The purpose of ePhotoID is to capture and store digital photos, either
independently or through interfacing and integrating with another program. This feature is licensed and sold as an ADD-IN to your KeyNET
software program.
When licensed, the ability to capture photos will be recognized by a
PHOTO IS link being visible in the left hand column of an individuals PEOPLE