Understanding the Vendor Module
In the VENDORS section of WorkNET you are able to create lists of
your Vendors and Contractors. The information associated with each Vendor is
customizable; both in name and order of appearance. The number of
Vendors is limited only by your hard drive storage space (so, it is really
Each Vendor may have any number of fields associated with them. Your
Systems Manager can name different types of fields to suit your needs.
Thus creating a Custom Vendor list for use throughout the program. As
your list grows, all of the Vendors Names will appear in a DROP-DOWN list in
any portion or module of SystemsNET software you have activated. By simply
typing in a name for your Vendor in the Configuration screen...the Drop-Down
list will appear.
This is a tremendous time saver. Reducing redundant entries, typing
time, typing errors and insuring accurate information input; will insure your
ability to perform more accurate searches and reports.
When licensed the Vendor link will appear in the top banner.
Beneath the Vendor link will be the operations available to you in the
Vendor module. Systems Managers will see a link to "Configure" and
From the Configure link the Systems Manager will be able to customize
the fields and the position (display sequence) in which they appear. Here
is a sampling of what can be customized:
From the Privileges link the Systems Manger will be able to grant
privileges to groups of PEOPLE. Some USERS may NOT be granted access to
View Vendors, even though the Vendor link appears on their screen.
While others may be granted the ability to Search, or look for Vendors.
And others may be able to change the information associated with a Vendor
without being able to customize the Vendor criteria fields. The Systems
Manager simply places a check mark in the boxes associated with an Access Group
to allow privileges.
The "Create" link will allow a USER to add Vendors, using the
predefined fields created by your Systems Manager.
The "Search" link will allow the USER to Search for Vendors by a
number of criteria. The "%" is a wildcard which will return ALL items in
that search field. The entire Vendor List can also be exported for
external using the key.
The "List All" link will provide you with a list of ALL of the
Vendors in your database. Should you desire to customize the information
provided, simply copy all of the information to a spreadsheet, and manipulate
the information on the spreadsheet.