Calendar Module
This section of your manual explains how Calendars are used, linked and used
with WorkNET and other sections of the WorkNET program.
When enabled for a channel, Calendar services are available in the channel.
When enabled for a request, calendar services are available for a request in the
The calendar feature is accessed in a manner similar to the journal. A
horizontal bar appears on the right side of the screen in any calendar-enabled
request, showing the user the next 5 upcoming calendar items in the request
(defined has having a start date on the current day or in the future.) The user
can click on any item's name to see the item details, or click on a link to get
the list of all items. From within the list, new items can be created, and
existing items can be modified or deleted.
Up to three alert dates can be set for a calendar item. When an item's alert
date arrives, it is sent via email to all the members of a REQUEST (if
applicable) early in the morning (5AM Pacific Time) on the date of the alert
The system also features a calendar GRID, accessible with the "Display Grid"
link in the request summary or the calendar list. Clicking on either link
displays a graphical grid-based calendar for the current month, with all items
in that month displayed. Links allow the user to travel backward or forward
through time, or return to the current month, the calendar list, or the
originating request. When displaying the calendar from within a channel request,
only the items created within that request are displayed.
When calendar service is enabled for a channel, two channel-wide features are
also available.
First, the channel member can display a blended or "master" calendar for all
requests in the channel. This is accomplished by clicking the "Calendar" link in
the light blue menu bar when the channel is in use.
This displays all calendar items for all requests in a combined calendar grid.
As before, links allow the user to move back and forth through time, and the
user can click on individual items to move right into that item's request and
Second, the calendar-enabled channel offers a workspace module, allowing the
user to display the 25 next upcoming calendar items for the channel. This is
also a blended workspace, showing calendar items across all requests in the
channel, providing a "to-do"-like list of upcoming items. As with the grids, the
user can click on any item to be taken directly to the item.