BizNET requires multiple
licenses and is a modification package to channels.
BizNET is a derivative of WorkNET. It is activated
for a specific channel automatically, when all of the
following conditions are met and the proper licenses
The Inventory module must be licensed.
The Inventory feature must be enabled in the
The order screen feature must be enabled in the
The Customer module must be licensed.
Customer must be defined in the channel.
(It is also preferred that the
bill-to and ship-to addresses fields are defined and
used, respectively, although this is not strictly
necessary. Note also that the order screen should
NEVER be combined with or used in Key Order or Key
Request channels).
When the above five conditions are met, the context of
the channel is set to "BizNET" mode.
In a BizNET channel, a
special "order screen" exists and is used as the
preferred screen for channel record operations. This
means that when you click on "Create" to create a new
record, or when you click on an order number from a
workspace or search results screen, you are taken to the
new "order screen" instead of the normal channel record
screen. In addition, links exist to allow the operator
to switch between the order screen ("View Order") and
the normal channel screen ("View Details").
The order screen allows for the
easy entry and specification of customers, customer
bill and ship locations, and ordered items, and work
proceeds in the following manner:
First, the CREATE link is clicked, and the user is
taken to a short screen allowing them to select the
customer and create the order.
The operator (should) select a customer, and then
click the CREATE button to create the order.
(Whether a customer is selected or not, the order is
created at this point. If the operator fails to
select a customer, they can do it on the next
screen; however, we should train everyone to do it
at this point to save them time.)
The operator is now taken into the order. Bill to:
and Ship to: addresses are selected from the
customer location database, and the UPDATE button is
clicked to lock the addresses in.
The operator now sees the customer, and the Bill to:
and Ship to:
addresses are fully displayed, and the operator can
now begin adding items to the order.
At this point, the item addition process begins. For
each item to be added, the operator performs an ITEM
SEARCH by inputting some or all of the part number or
description and clicking the SEARCH button. The computer
then displays a listing of matching items. Each item is
displayed in the following format:
The quantity on hand is displayed in [square brackets]
and the price is displayed in (parentheses). Note that,
for non-inventory items, the quantity is irrelevant and
therefore is not displayed.
At this point, the operator can perform another search,
or can select an item from the search results. The
operator chooses the desired item with a single click on
the item, then clicks on (or TABs to) the quantity field
and inputs the quantity, then either clicks on ADD or
just presses ENTER. The item, at the specified quantity,
is added to the order.
The operator can then repeat this process to add
additional items to the order.
NOTE: Any given item number
can only appear once on an order. This is done to
prevent errors and inventory control problems. If
the customer desires to add, for example, multiple
lines of labor, they should create a different
non-inventory item for each type of labor, so that
each type is added only once. In the last need, have
the customer create four or five "MISC" items, like
"MISC1" through "MISC5" for generic catchall items
(although this should be discouraged.)
NOTE: We tie directly in to
the inventory reservation database, so an item's
quantity can not be changed in the item line. To
change an item's quantity, the item must be deleted
from the order and re-added.
When an item is added to an order, it's price is preset
from the retail price listed in the inventory database.
It's taxable status is set to
"YES" for inventory items and "NO" for non-inventory
items. When an
item is added to an order, its quantity is placed on
"Reserved Hold" in the inventory database.
NOTE: It is not possible to
add a quantity of "zero" items to an order.
NOTE: It is not possible to
add more of an item than is "in stock" in the system
NOTE: We DO NOT have a
"back-order" capability in this system at this time.
If it is necessary for someone to "back-order" an
item, they should add a NON-INVENTORY descriptive
item to the order, with the appropriate quantity and
price, and the details of the item to be
back-ordered in the description. The order should
then be sent for special processing... see below for
Once one or more items have been added to the order, the
operator can take various actions on the item. The
item's taxable status can be changed, the item's price
can be changed, and comments and/or a description can be
added to the item. Whenever a line item is modified, the
user must press ENTER (or click UPDATE) on the line to
save the change.
As the order is built, running totals are displayed
along the page bottom.
At any time during the life of an order, the order may
be printed using the PRINT link on the top of the order
page. Try it out, it looks really hot, IMHO.
NOTE: The PRINT link from the ORDER view must be used to
print the order.
If the operator uses the PRINT link from the DETAILS
(normal channel display) view, they will get the normal
channel-based printout, and NOT the order printout.
Once an order is entered and is satisfactory to
everyone, it may be printed at will, and/or processed by
the system.
> A BizNET form entry may start out as an estimate,
changed to a work
> order, and finally changed to an invoice (possibly
being entered into
> AccountNET or assigned to a cost center).
If orders are to be processed manually, very little else
needs to be done in the system. The order should be
printed, and processed by the human.
However, because of the power of our channel system,
larger operations can benefit from the use of our
channels to process orders. This kind of order
processing consists of sending the order along the
channel pathway just as any channel request would be
sent. At each stop, the order would be displayed, and
the user could then access the "details" (normal) view
to work on the order.
Status/Stop settings in a channel might consist of such
items as:
* Initial Order (Quote)
* Ready to Process
* Backorder Handling
* Ready to Invoice
* Pending Payment
* Archived (Completed)
The order would start as an Initial Order or Quote (it's
the same at this stage), at which point nothing would
happen. Orders at this stop should be reviewed
periodically to make sure they are handled.
INVENTORY, rejected quotes should have their
INVENTORY ITEMS RELEASED before being deleted. Just
INVENTORY. Thus, members of this initial stop should
be people who try to "close" orders and who are
responsible for "clearing" unclosed orders.
NOTE: If inventory quantity
tie-in and management features are not desired,
simply create all database items as non-inventory
items. The system will work properly in that mode.
In such a case, items need not be released.
Once the order is approved, it moves to "Ready to
Process". Members of this stop would be responsible for
pulling and shipping items. They might use the Inventory
mode of channels to "Issue" the items to the order, thus
showing that they are shipped. If there were backordered
items, they would then send the order to backorder
handling; otherwise, they would send the order to "Ready
to Invoice".
At the "backorder handling" stop, stop members would
have purchasing place the necessary vendor orders to get
the inventory shipped in. They might "split" the order,
deleting the backordered items so the partial order can
be invoiced. Once items are received, the backordered
lines are deleted, and regular line items are added to
the order. The order is then sent back to "ready to
process" where the backordered items can be pulled and
At the "ready to invoice" stop, the order can be printed
and data transferred to the accounting system. Our
printed order can be sufficiently used as an invoice if
The "pending payment" stop might be used by Accounts
Tax Rate settings
The default tax
rate can now be set per zone. Like the time zone offset, this can only be done
by Spectrum Group. There is no user interface, it's part of the license
control system. In the absence of a setting, the zone defaults to 8.25%.